About Me
This blog is written by Yossi Frenkel. You can contact me at:
About this site
The site is built and deployed using Cloudflare Pages, GitHub, and Hugo. The source code is available at https://github.com/stochastical/abstractnonsense/ and follows the following architecture:
--- config: look: classic theme: default --- flowchart BT subgraph github["Github"] source["Static assets and code"] cfPages["Cloudflare Pages"] actions["Action worflow"] issue["Issue Form"] issue -- triggers on creation --> actions actions -. commits new Hugo post .-> source cfPages -- watches --> source end subgraph cloudflare["Cloudflare abstractnonsense.xyz"] domain(["Domain registrar"]) builder["Runner"] cdn["CDN"] domain -- DNS records --> cdn builder -- deploys --> cdn end cfPages -- builds with Hugo --> builder source@{ shape: db} cfPages@{ shape: card} actions@{ shape: card} issue@{ shape: tag-proc} cdn@{ shape: disk} builder@{ shape: braces} source:::Sky cfPages:::Sky actions:::Sky issue:::Sky cdn:::Peach domain:::Peach classDef Peach stroke-width:1px, stroke-dasharray:none, stroke:#FBB35A, fill:#FFEFDB, color:#8F632D classDef Sky stroke-width:1px, stroke-dasharray:none, stroke:#374D7C, fill:#E2EBFF, color:#374D7C style cdn stroke:#FF6D00 style domain stroke:#FF6D00 style builder stroke:#FF6D00 style github fill:#BBDEFB,stroke:#424242 style cloudflare fill:#FFE0B2,stroke:#FF6D00